Friday, October 21, 2016

Student Success Statement

"A good name is rather to be than great riches" - Proverbs 22-1

This means that its better to have a god reputation than have riches and have a bad one. This means that you'd rather be a good person rather than being a person with many riches. This is saying that its better to be a good person than to be a person with many belongings. Instead of wanting a lot of things, you should be wanting to be a good person. If you start doing it, maybe someone will follow your steps. If people start following your steps you'll soon become a leader. This will then lead to your name being decorated heavily cause of your actions. Being a good person is more valuable than any riches in the world. A good person is rich in heart, not in items or materials. This means that being a good person is more valuable than any object.

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