Thursday, October 6, 2016

Student Success Statement

"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation, instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."-James E. Faust

    This quote is saying that once obedience becomes our goal in life, it will no longer be annoying. You need this in life to follow the laws and the rules. If we weren't obedient, the majority of people would be out of control. Obedience is what keeps us order and keeps everyone in line. When obedience becomes a big part of your life, that is when you start to see changes that are for the better.When you become a person who follows the rules and does the right thing, you'll remember about obedience. This is a one vital thing you need in order to be a CTR person. Obedience is the key to being well-mannered and respectful to others. With out this we would be out of control and wild. This is something you'll need for the rest of you life.

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