Thursday, October 27, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it after" -Peter Vidmar

   This means that you shouldn't ruin what you want most for something that you want in that exact moment. This is saying that people usually want the easy way so they take short cuts and look for the easiest way out. This however deters them from pursuing their long term goals. Basically saying to go all the way through with your goals and don't give up on them.A example of seeing your goals through is Peter Vidmar, he said he wanted to be a Olympian and he wrote it down. He then starting working towards his goal, then a couple years later he won a gold medal. This is a true example of working hard to accomplish your goals. Do what actually makes you happy, not something that'll keep you happy for a little bit. Follow your true goals in life, not something that'll fade away and leave you trapped in an illusion.

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