Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

Somethings that I liked about this class was the enthusiasm. It had positive vibes that make you feel welcomed. I also like the motivation that is spread around in this class.

I didn't like the constant time outs. I prefer working in solitude with music playing. I also didn't like the constant interruptions from other class mates, it was often very distracting.

I would recommend allowing students to listen to music because it would make them more focused on their objective. Also new activities would help lighten the mood.

My highlight of this class was learning about CTR. It is a really good idea of choosing the right way over the wrong all the time. It helps you become a better person.

I did my best on some days and there was other days where I would put little effort. It varied depending on my worth ethic for that day.

I read my life planning journal sometimes, if i have free time or if i have nothing to do. I usually complete my 5 minutes but i miss a couple days sometimes

I am committed to being a good person, i would like to be a ctr person but at this moment I don't see myself as one. I would like to try to be committed though. .

Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Success Statement

“ When you tell a lie it leads to another “ - Paul Hatch

This statement is true because once you get away with one, you’ll make up another one.Once you get used to it, it’ll be hard to get rid of. Lying is a horrible habit that many people pick up from trying to get away from consequences or punishments. It is better to say the truth because usually the problem is solved quicker. The thing with most problems are that they are prolonged with due to lies that make the situation go to farther extents. Usually when you tell the truth you serve your consequence and end it all there, but when you resist and lie you make the problem bigger. Telling the truth helps you avoid all that dilemma. Being honest usually gives the best results. It gives you the best solution that is effective and right.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting Of The Scorpion

In this short film we watched there is a young boy named Patrick who disregarded his parents instructions and then payed the price for it. Patrick and his family were out camping in the desert, his parents had told him to keep his shoes on at all times to protect him from scorpions,snakes, and thorns that were common in this particular desert. He woke up one morning and set off for a walk to explore. Instead of wearing his shoes though he wore his sandals and naively thought they both offered the same type of protection. During his exploration he felt a sharp pain arise in the arch of his foot, he then turned around and saw a scorpion slowly walking away. The pain that originated in his heel then started to rise up his leg, this pain being so unbearable. He then scram for help and was then rushed to the nearest hospital which was two hours away.

Student Success Statement

“Always do right”

I agree with this quote because doing the right thing is the best thing to do. It usually gives you the best possible outcome. Many have prospered after doing the right thing because that’s the way it should be done. People who do good things get good things in return. Any good deed you complete usually is repaid in a greater abundance. It usually leads to better opportunities and chances in your life. It also makes you a better person in which return you often gain more confidence and show a better image of yourself. Doing the right thing is the best option available. IT gives you the nest possible solution which keeps you safe and happy.

Student Success Statement

“Always do right”

I agree with this quote because doing the right thing is the best thing to do. It usually gives you the best possible outcome. Many have prospered after doing the right thing because that’s the way it should be done. People who do good things get good things in return. Any good deed you complete usually is repaid in a greater abundance. It usually leads to better opportunities and chances in your life. It also makes you a better person in which return you often gain more confidence and show a better image of yourself. Doing the right thing is the best option available. IT gives you the nest possible sloution which keeps you safe and happy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World war II

Began on: September 1, 1939

Allies Axis
  • United States *Nazi Germany
  • United Kingdom *Empire of Japan
  • China *Italy
  • France
  • Soviet Union

World war II officially began on September, 1, 1939. There were two opposing military alliances known as The Allies and The Axis. The war is the deadliest conflict in human history known to man. It is estimated that there was 50 million-80 million casualties due to the war.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Student Success Statement

  1. Can people trust to do what's right? People can trust that do right thing will bring the best results and the best quality of life because you will be enjoyed by many.
  2. Am I committed to trying my best? I am committed to trying my best even though I slack off at times and usually procrastinate.
  3. Do I treat people the way i want to be treated? Yes, i treat others with modest respect and respect their rights, I've always though of this quote as a key to success

“If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail,” - Lou Holtz

I agree with this quote because if you choose the right decision and treat other the way you would want to be treated, the world would be a completely different place. People would be different, overall the atmosphere would feel positive. Kindness would be a big factor in this too. The world would be so caring instead of brutal and cold. This is a very vital quote. This idea of being kind disregarding the circumstances is amazing. We would have a different outlook on life in general. People would be more helpful and welcoming instead of greedy and isolated.  This is a good motto to follow in your everyday routine. Hopefully this message gets spread around so we can start working towards a better future.

Challenges Teens Face Today

  1. Self-Esteem and Body Image
  2. Peer pressure to Drink or Smoke
  3. Underage Sex
  4. Teen Pregancy
  5. Bullying

Monday, November 28, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Kindness is the essence of greatness" - Joseph B. Wirthlin

  This quote is saying that kindness is a key factor in achieving greatness. This means that kindness is a huge factor in your life. Kindness is a guidance tool to becoming something great and becoming a person who gives back to their community. If you're not kind you'll probably lose a lot of opportunities given to you because of your rude mannerism or something relating to that. Often when you think of kindness, you think of it as a lifestyle choice, but some people are just genuinely kind to others. Kindness has to be genuine or from the heart, you'll be able to tell when someones's kindness or affection is false or without meaning. Kindness comes from deep inside you, it shows how much you will be willing to help others and give a helping hand. This is a life lesson that'll change your life dramatically if done correctly. Kindness is something that brings joy to others and to the good doer. Be a good person and be kind and respectful to others.

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving Week
Thanksgiving week was a good week, it held many memories that it felt nostalgic. This thanksgiving made us all feel closer and more united as family and friends. It taught us morals and values that will help us become better people in the mere future. We also learned how to truly appreciate everything we have and all the opportunities given to us. We learned how to give thanks for everything handed to us and to be grateful for everything you have. We also ate so much food. We enjoyed our week by just laying back and enjoying our leisure time. It was a relaxing week overall, we had little to no problems. We just enjoyed our time being with faimly and bonding over this holiday that is meant to bring families closer.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Student success statement

"If it is not right, do not do it, if it is not true, do not say it" - Marcus Aurelius

I agree with this statement. This is saying that if its wrong to not do it. Avoid problems and be a responsible person. Doing the right thing is always the answer, despite the circumstances. When it's all said and done, it'll be too late. Think before and be smart about it, think it through. Doing the right thing will lead to zero problems and a clean conscious.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Student Success Statement

"These are the main magic keys to living your life with integrity"

  1.     Have the courage to say no.
  2.     Have the courage to face the truth
  3.     Do the right thing because its right

This quote is saying that doing the right things should be the only thing you should do. It's saying that you should have the courage to turn away drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. This is trying to show the new generation that its bad to be a follower. Be different and do your own thing and be creative. Don't fall into the same hole everyone does by turning to drugs and stacking up truancy.Say no to drugs when offered, and do the right thing. Be a leader and show others that its possible to be a independent person who has their own mind. Now in this generation, everyone is caught up on social media and spending their time conversing through text instead of face to face conversations. Everyone needs a reality check, and maybe then we will start to become aware of what the world really is. Do the right thing and just be yourself basically. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Right is always right, even if everyone is against it;  and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"  - William Penn

    This quote means that no matter what the situation is, you should always do the right thing. Like saying if you're at a party where everyone is smoking or drinking, it wouldn't make it right to follow their direction. This means that doing the right thing is always the way to go. Even though everyone else is doing it doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it. This is saying that you shouldn't follow others, but instead become a leader. You should encourage others to do the right thing and become better people who contribute back to the community.Don't follow others, instead make the others follow you into the right direction. Right is always right so just get it over with and do it. Do the right thing and good things will arise from your good deeds. Instead of doing wrong actions, do things that'll benefit you in the long run.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it after" -Peter Vidmar

   This means that you shouldn't ruin what you want most for something that you want in that exact moment. This is saying that people usually want the easy way so they take short cuts and look for the easiest way out. This however deters them from pursuing their long term goals. Basically saying to go all the way through with your goals and don't give up on them.A example of seeing your goals through is Peter Vidmar, he said he wanted to be a Olympian and he wrote it down. He then starting working towards his goal, then a couple years later he won a gold medal. This is a true example of working hard to accomplish your goals. Do what actually makes you happy, not something that'll keep you happy for a little bit. Follow your true goals in life, not something that'll fade away and leave you trapped in an illusion.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"A good name is better then anything you can achieve in your life" - Mike Krzyzewski

This quote means that having a good name is better than being ashamed and shunned for the name you created for yourself. Its saying that having a good name is very important, its almost crucial for a successful and happy life. Its saying that almost anywhere you go, your name and what you've done will define the way people see you and respect you. This often goes to show that its important to be a good person and always do the right thing. Make a name that you'll be able to be proud of not ashamed of.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Student Success Statement

"A good name is rather to be than great riches" - Proverbs 22-1

This means that its better to have a god reputation than have riches and have a bad one. This means that you'd rather be a good person rather than being a person with many riches. This is saying that its better to be a good person than to be a person with many belongings. Instead of wanting a lot of things, you should be wanting to be a good person. If you start doing it, maybe someone will follow your steps. If people start following your steps you'll soon become a leader. This will then lead to your name being decorated heavily cause of your actions. Being a good person is more valuable than any riches in the world. A good person is rich in heart, not in items or materials. This means that being a good person is more valuable than any object.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Student Success Statement

"If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral message to be the light for others to follow." -Thomas S. Monson

   This quote means that you have to be the one to make a difference. you have to be the example for everyone else. You have to stand up and be the person to stand for the right thing. Even if you stand alone, be the one. This means that you have to be a strong leader and individual. Be the one that others follow, don't be a follower. Be the light in others life and do the right thing. This means that you should be helping others become good people who do the right thing. Be the one who has a voice instead of hiding away. Be the light inside a dark tunnel.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Student Success Statement

"A CTR Champion is a person who makes a great human of himself" - Noemi Trigueros

     This quote means that a CTR champion is a person who is a great person. They don't curse, drink, or smoke. They are always prepared and ready to do their work. They are respectful and well-mannered. They are good people in general, they always look out for others and help out. This is also saying that a CTR champion is someone who tries to be a great human being. Anyone who tries to help our or be helpful to anyone is a true CTR Champion. This quote is directed to those who are kind and respectful. People who are great people are the true champions. They deserve the real prize of happiness.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Student Success Statement

"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and Get" - Mark Victor Hansen
    This means that until you take action to complete your goals, you'll never accomplish them. You need to set aside time to clean up your life, write down a couple of errands to do. Go out and set up everything so you can complete your goals. Don't sit around and wait for it to come to you because it never will, you need to go out and find it yourself. Set and get is a example of setting it up and then getting it. It doesn't take much, just a little bit of work and determination. You just need to go out and do it, basically. You need to go and get it yourself. Don't wait around for a miracle, Go out and make the difference yourself .

Columbus Day Research

                                    Columbus Day 2016
            Columbus day is a national holiday in many countries in the Americas. This holiday recognizes when Christopher Columbus arrived to the Americas. Christopher columbus arrived to the Americas on October 12, 1492. The landing is celebrated as “Columbus Day” or “Dia de la Raza” (Day of the Race). These holidays have been celebrated unofficially since the late 18th century and officially in various countries since the early 20th century. Columbus day first became a federal holiday in 1937, but became a official state holiday in Colorado in 1906. 

          Reflection: Columbus Day is a holiday that recognizes and observes the day Christopher Columbus reached the shores of the Americas. I personally like this holiday because of the meaning

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Student Success Statement

"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation, instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."-James E. Faust

    This quote is saying that once obedience becomes our goal in life, it will no longer be annoying. You need this in life to follow the laws and the rules. If we weren't obedient, the majority of people would be out of control. Obedience is what keeps us order and keeps everyone in line. When obedience becomes a big part of your life, that is when you start to see changes that are for the better.When you become a person who follows the rules and does the right thing, you'll remember about obedience. This is a one vital thing you need in order to be a CTR person. Obedience is the key to being well-mannered and respectful to others. With out this we would be out of control and wild. This is something you'll need for the rest of you life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Student Success Statement

"We learn to do by doing"- Spencer W. Kimball

         This means that the only way to find out how to do something is by just doing it. The only way you'll ever know if it works is to try it. Don't let yourself be held back by fear of failure, the only way to succeed is by putting effort to succeed. Basically, just do it; you can either be successful or you could fail, but you'll never know until you try. The outcome will heavily depend on the effort you put into it, just try your best and keep going until you succeed and master it. As time passes you'll improve more and more until you reach your desired level. Perseverance is a major factor in this, keep going and you'll make it. That's all it takes, effort and just doing it.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Determination is the key to true success"

Determination is the key to being successful in life. Determination keeps you going through the hard times you'll face in life. This is your motivation to finish what ever you started, things like school or work. This makes you go out and earn whatever you want, not just wait for it to be handed to you. This is the fuel that keeps your engine burning in the hardships life has to give you.True success comes from hard work and perseverance to become a better person. It just takes a little bit of effort and a whole lot of heart, once you have that you'll be set for life. This is honestly the way to go, this is a secure decision. This will lead you to prosperity and happiness. This is the true key to success and prosperity

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy"- David Bednar

This quote means that obedience is the key to happiness. This means that you should do the right thing every time possible. Doing the right thing will lead you to happiness. This is often true because when you do things right, there is usually no backlash like when you do something wrong.Obedience is following directions and cooperating with others. This will lead to good opportunities and a better self image.

                        LAUSD Student Services                                

LAUSD Services include:
  • Attendance Motivation/Incentive Programs and Campaigns
  • Attendance Statistics/Data Evaluation
  • Case Management and Consultation
  • Child Welfare and Attendance Initiatives and Campaigns
  • Community Collaboration and Resource Linkage
  • Drop Out Prevention
  • Educational Alternative/Options Information
  • Local District Coordination and Support
  • Field Education Training for Graduate-level Interns
  • Grad Van Outreach Services
  • Home Visits/Conferences
  • Individual, Group, Family Counseling
  • Parent and Student Engagement
  • Professional Development 
      These student services help students become more involved on their school work. These programs and opportunities given to the, can help them succeed and become better students. For example, Attendance motivation could help raise the attendance rate for students if they’re motivated to come to school to succeed.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."- John Wooden

    This quote means that what you are a person is what truly matters. This means that you should be a good person and have principles in your life. What you are as a person defines your whole life outcome and where you'll end up in life. Being a good person should be one of your main priorities in life. Until you care about how you are as a person, you will keep heading towards the wrong direction. This means that until you realize how important it is, you'll never truly understand the meaning of life. John Wooden speaks directly from his soul when he said this quote. His words have so much meaning and emotion behind them. This quote should help others realize the meaning of life.

Monday, September 19, 2016

"True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse" - Pathros
This means that wealth and riches come from within. We're made to believe that in order to be happy, we must have the most luxurious brands available. In reality all the wealth in the wealth and prized possessions in the world cant be compared to wealth that comes straight from the heart. True wealth comes from how the person acts and treats others, not how big his house is or what type of car he drives. The preconceived idea of being materialistic goes back all they way back to the B.C's, Pharaohs used to be drenched in riches and luxury items that weren't available to the rest of the people. Yet somehow the people who didn't possess these riches, were more wealthier than the pharaoh could ever be, because their wealthiness came from within. It doesn't matter how many gold chains you have or how many houses you can buy, if you're wealth doesn't come from your heart, it doesn't mean a thing. True wealthiness from within will lead you to true happiness. When it comes from within and its true, you'll be able to recognize it from a mile away. Most people now-a-days don't really understand that true happiness comes from the love you are given by family and friends, not from objects that you possess.

Friday, September 9, 2016

"The key to Freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."                   - Boyd K. Packer

      This means that being obedient and following the rules that are given to you is the main key to freedom. Obedience issues are usually the reason why people are send to prison. Inmates usually tend to have obedience problems, they tend to stray away from doing good and following rules to breaking laws and doing dangerous activities. Obedience is the answer to end all that, if everyone was obedient the world be different. The streets would be safer and the crime rate would drop dramatically.

     The more obedient people are, the more freedom they are given. If everyone was obedient, well I don't know how much freedom we would all have right now. This is a quote is contemplative.

                                                                 9/11 Memorial
      15 years ago, on September 11, 2001 there was 4 coordinated attacks upon both World Trade Centers. The attacks occurred in the morning, both North and South Towers were struck by planes that were hi-jacked by 19 Al-Qaeda Terrorists. Within an hour and forty-eight minutes, both 110 floor Towers collapsed; leading to a huge cloud of debris that cover a huge are of Lower Manhattan. People on the streets ran frantically for shelter from the huge dust cloud. With the death toll of Firefighters and Police Officers being 343 and 72 killed, it is the deadliest incident for Firefighters and Police Officers in U.S History.                                               

Thursday, September 1, 2016

"Education is the latch key to success in life"
Gordon B. Hianckley

         This quote means that without an education, you wont be able to succeed in life: if you still do, you're not at your full potential.An education will help you succeed because that's the foundation of you as a human being. Education is usually a big factor when it comes to employment and anything that is relevant to this topic. Imagine a world without education, it would be horrific; Education is one of the most important keys in your life. Knowledge is the thing you want to strive for, usually when you strive for knowledge more than you do profits, the outcome is usually better. Education is the key to your success, you have the tools and resources, take advantage of them and improve yourself intellectually and mentally. This is something that is essential for your lively hood, No education = No success

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

*Decisions Determine Destiny
                                               Thomas S. Monson

This quote means you choose your fate, your decisions will determine the outcome of your future.You make your choices and your choices make you. Whatever you do right now, it'll catch up to you later on in the future. When you make good choices and decisions, you are often rewarded later on in life.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Sophomore Year

         The first day of sophomore year was interesting. It was pretty boring at first, it felt like any other school day; nothing special or new.