Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

Somethings that I liked about this class was the enthusiasm. It had positive vibes that make you feel welcomed. I also like the motivation that is spread around in this class.

I didn't like the constant time outs. I prefer working in solitude with music playing. I also didn't like the constant interruptions from other class mates, it was often very distracting.

I would recommend allowing students to listen to music because it would make them more focused on their objective. Also new activities would help lighten the mood.

My highlight of this class was learning about CTR. It is a really good idea of choosing the right way over the wrong all the time. It helps you become a better person.

I did my best on some days and there was other days where I would put little effort. It varied depending on my worth ethic for that day.

I read my life planning journal sometimes, if i have free time or if i have nothing to do. I usually complete my 5 minutes but i miss a couple days sometimes

I am committed to being a good person, i would like to be a ctr person but at this moment I don't see myself as one. I would like to try to be committed though. .

Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Success Statement

“ When you tell a lie it leads to another “ - Paul Hatch

This statement is true because once you get away with one, you’ll make up another one.Once you get used to it, it’ll be hard to get rid of. Lying is a horrible habit that many people pick up from trying to get away from consequences or punishments. It is better to say the truth because usually the problem is solved quicker. The thing with most problems are that they are prolonged with due to lies that make the situation go to farther extents. Usually when you tell the truth you serve your consequence and end it all there, but when you resist and lie you make the problem bigger. Telling the truth helps you avoid all that dilemma. Being honest usually gives the best results. It gives you the best solution that is effective and right.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting Of The Scorpion

In this short film we watched there is a young boy named Patrick who disregarded his parents instructions and then payed the price for it. Patrick and his family were out camping in the desert, his parents had told him to keep his shoes on at all times to protect him from scorpions,snakes, and thorns that were common in this particular desert. He woke up one morning and set off for a walk to explore. Instead of wearing his shoes though he wore his sandals and naively thought they both offered the same type of protection. During his exploration he felt a sharp pain arise in the arch of his foot, he then turned around and saw a scorpion slowly walking away. The pain that originated in his heel then started to rise up his leg, this pain being so unbearable. He then scram for help and was then rushed to the nearest hospital which was two hours away.

Student Success Statement

“Always do right”

I agree with this quote because doing the right thing is the best thing to do. It usually gives you the best possible outcome. Many have prospered after doing the right thing because that’s the way it should be done. People who do good things get good things in return. Any good deed you complete usually is repaid in a greater abundance. It usually leads to better opportunities and chances in your life. It also makes you a better person in which return you often gain more confidence and show a better image of yourself. Doing the right thing is the best option available. IT gives you the nest possible solution which keeps you safe and happy.

Student Success Statement

“Always do right”

I agree with this quote because doing the right thing is the best thing to do. It usually gives you the best possible outcome. Many have prospered after doing the right thing because that’s the way it should be done. People who do good things get good things in return. Any good deed you complete usually is repaid in a greater abundance. It usually leads to better opportunities and chances in your life. It also makes you a better person in which return you often gain more confidence and show a better image of yourself. Doing the right thing is the best option available. IT gives you the nest possible sloution which keeps you safe and happy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World war II

Began on: September 1, 1939

Allies Axis
  • United States *Nazi Germany
  • United Kingdom *Empire of Japan
  • China *Italy
  • France
  • Soviet Union

World war II officially began on September, 1, 1939. There were two opposing military alliances known as The Allies and The Axis. The war is the deadliest conflict in human history known to man. It is estimated that there was 50 million-80 million casualties due to the war.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Student Success Statement

  1. Can people trust to do what's right? People can trust that do right thing will bring the best results and the best quality of life because you will be enjoyed by many.
  2. Am I committed to trying my best? I am committed to trying my best even though I slack off at times and usually procrastinate.
  3. Do I treat people the way i want to be treated? Yes, i treat others with modest respect and respect their rights, I've always though of this quote as a key to success

“If the answer to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail,” - Lou Holtz

I agree with this quote because if you choose the right decision and treat other the way you would want to be treated, the world would be a completely different place. People would be different, overall the atmosphere would feel positive. Kindness would be a big factor in this too. The world would be so caring instead of brutal and cold. This is a very vital quote. This idea of being kind disregarding the circumstances is amazing. We would have a different outlook on life in general. People would be more helpful and welcoming instead of greedy and isolated.  This is a good motto to follow in your everyday routine. Hopefully this message gets spread around so we can start working towards a better future.

Challenges Teens Face Today

  1. Self-Esteem and Body Image
  2. Peer pressure to Drink or Smoke
  3. Underage Sex
  4. Teen Pregancy
  5. Bullying