Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting Of The Scorpion

In this short film we watched there is a young boy named Patrick who disregarded his parents instructions and then payed the price for it. Patrick and his family were out camping in the desert, his parents had told him to keep his shoes on at all times to protect him from scorpions,snakes, and thorns that were common in this particular desert. He woke up one morning and set off for a walk to explore. Instead of wearing his shoes though he wore his sandals and naively thought they both offered the same type of protection. During his exploration he felt a sharp pain arise in the arch of his foot, he then turned around and saw a scorpion slowly walking away. The pain that originated in his heel then started to rise up his leg, this pain being so unbearable. He then scram for help and was then rushed to the nearest hospital which was two hours away.

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